Cool Pics Show the Interior of Mobile Homes From Between the 1940s and ’70s_Ha

Here is a cool photo set that shows what the interior of mobile homes looked like from between the 1940s and 1970s. The Interior of Mobile Homes…

14 Historical Photos That Show the Evolution of Television From the 1920s Through the 1970s_Ha

Despite its status as a device that defines the modern age, the television has its roots in the 19th century, when scientists found ways to transmit images…

Vintage Photos of Ford Coca-Cola Delivery Trucks From Between the 1920s and 1950s_Ha

In an early-1920s speech, a Coca-Cola bottler declared, “Coca-Cola was as instrumental in building up the soft drink industry as Henry Ford was in building up the…

Just nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg: 48 erstaunliche Fotos dokumentieren den Alltag in Berlin im Jahr 1946_Ha

Als Hitler im Zweiten Weltkrieg von den Alliierten besiegt wurde, hinterließ er fast keine Nachkriegspläne. Unter dem NS-Regime kam es einem Verrat gleich, die Möglichkeit einer Niederlage…

Vor dem Internet -Fotos zeigen Kinder, die in der Vergangenheit fernsehen _Ha

Keine Smartphones, iPads oder andere Geräte mit Internettechnologie. Die einzige Technologie zur Unterhaltung waren diesmal Schwarz-Weiß-Fernseher. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diese schönen Vintage-Fotos und sehen Sie,…

Vor Computern: Hier ist, womit die Menschen in den letzten Jahrzehnten mit ihren Schreibmaschinen gearbeitet haben_Ha

Bevor es an den meisten Arbeitsplätzen echte Computer gab, gab es einen Job, der einfach „Computer“ genannt wurde. Der Job umfasste das Konvertieren von Zahlen und das…

Amazing Vintage Photographs of Automats in New York From the 1940s and 1950s_Ha

Once the largest restaurant chain in the United States, Automats were a sort of intermediate between a cafeteria and a vending machine. The walls of the Automat…

Old Photos of the Flatiron Building Under Construction in New York City, 1902_Ha

The Flatiron Building, or Fuller Building, as it was originally called, is located at 175 Fifth Avenue in the borough of Manhattan, New York City and is considered…

Vintage Photos of 48 Beautiful New York Buildings That No Longer Exist_Ha

New York City is constantly being rebuilt. In the 19th and 20th centuries, dozens of beautiful old buildings were demolished to make way for new development. It…

Fascinating Pictures of New York City From the 1870s to 1930s_Ha

New York City has a long and sprawling history, but looking at the city today, it’s hard to tell what it looked like in the past. Luckily,…